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About Us

Thank you for visiting our website.

We are a small distributor of only the best and most secure mailboxes in the U.S. We started distributing the various brands we carry several years ago, but as e-commerce has grown, so have the orders we received for larger and more secure mailboxes. As such, we slowly removed the smaller non-secure mailboxes from our inventory and started concentrating on the larger boxes designed for packages and businesses. We now specialize only in this small segment.

The reality is that as the general population has begun to purchase primarily online, the packages that arrive at our homes and businesses are larger and the old style mailboxes are inadequate to handle these larger parcels. UPS, Fedex and USPS (as well as every other delivery driver) simply leave the package by your front door, not realizing that the package is now advertising the fact that no one is home. And that there's valuable merchandise sitting there, ready for picking. It's actually amazing that more packages don't get stolen!

Then there's identity theft, a crime that did not exist 30 years ago. Today, one piece of stolen mail is all that is needed for hackers to get the ball rolling. We don't take identity theft very seriously until it happens to us. Then the nightmare begins and understanding dawns. It is better to simply avoid the potential theft of personal data to begin with.

So what does all this say about us? We're a company concerned with the welfare of others. We're not saying the country is crazy with crime, but we think this business provides an opportunity to educate and help consumers and prevent them from having their mail or packages stolen. And avoid identity theft. Unfortunately, identity theft happened to a couple of us and we have learned from it. Let's try to avoid it in the first place, fixing it after the fact is the worst possible scenario.

Thanks again for visiting our website!